Sunday, March 1, 2020


Many who travel to Acadia National Park do so in the anticipating  of seeing the raw power of Thunder Hole, where crashing waves explode against rough granite, and many leave disappointed due to the fact they visited the location at the wrong time of day.  Thunder Hole itself is a cave in which the incoming or outgoing tide sends waves crashing into.  The thunderous crash of the waves is what gives Thunder Hole its name.
The timing of your visit is critical to what you experience at Thunder Hole, with the best time for a visit being as the tide is coming in.  Heavy winds or a storm moving up along the coast greatly increase the amount of action one will experience
Nearby attractions include the Thunder Hole Gift Shop, the Ocean Path with in one direction leads to Sand Beach, in the other direction to Otter Cliffs, and not far up the Park Loop Road is the parking lot for the Gorham Mountain Hiking Trail.  The sweeping views from Thunder Hole are gorgeous with views of Sand Beach in one direction and the towering Otter Cliffs in the other direction.
Parking, especially during peak summer months, can be a problem, but you can avoid this problem by boarding the free Island Explorer Shuttle Bus at the Bar Harbor Village Green, you want to get on the Sand Beach bus, which makes three scheduled stops,  one at Sieur de Monts Spring and Wild Gardens, one at Sand Beach and a final stop at Thunder Hole.

Acadia Found - Thunder Hole
Acadia National Park

Acadia Found - Thunder Hole
Acadia National Park